I am at heart a pretty private guy. I don’t mind lots—in fact I need lots—of alone time. I’ve always thought alone is far different than lonely. The latter emotional state is not one that I have experienced much of.
However, I have come to quickly learn that being fortunate enough to write a multiple #1 bestseller and national award winner of necessity involves media. In the actual moment it’s fun, but I am quickly anxious to return to quiet sanctity of the Ranch.
I’ve been on thirty or forty radio shows in the past several months, and have been asked to be a repeat guest on many of them. I have thoroughly enjoyed the hosts and discussions which range round the book, the values of the old West and how those traits can restore America. We have also talked about the land as a character in the book and energy force in all our lives, the universal current of romance, and a host of other intriguing topics. Some great newspapers and magazines have published some wonderful articles, and to my delight the book has received many fine additional reviews. It even has national TV exposure on the way beginning with The Balancing Act on the Life Channel at 7-8 AM Eastern Time on February 11, just a few days before Valentine’s Day! There are also some fun and informative web articles on major websites likewise headed your way. It is all rather bewildering, dreamy and for the most part pleasant.
We’ve added several things to the website and other pages are under construction. One of these is our new still to be completed Media Page. Just go to www.threadswestseries.com, click the “media” tab up top! Feel free to browse, listen and read, and send us your comments and suggestions.
And, did I mention I can’t wait to get back to the Ranch?