Uncompahgre Excerpt Zeb and Reuben

216-cowboy_full_600Zeb held his eyes. “I ain’t never lied to you, and I never will. But I didn’t tell ya everything back there in St. Louis when you asked me to guide you…” Zeb cleared his throat.


“I’m a mite more than a little familiar with that country you’re headed to. My trapping cabins are on the sides of them mountains, the Red Mountains.”

Reuben stood, absorbing the information. Zeb continued. “Know the country like the back of my hand. I know exactly where that ranch land is laid out on them maps of yours, and Rebecca’s gold map, too. Same place. Fact is, there’s some mistakes in ‘em. I aim to help you get set up. It’ll still be a strange, wild land to you. But through me, you won’t be a stranger. We have all been headed to the same Red Mountains, Las Montanas Rojas de la Uncompahgre, since the git go.”

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